The Group Code of Ethics states that Haier "in market competition, not only undertakes to create active and effective participation, but also to strictly observe laws and business ethics, and demonstrate product quality, performance, after-sales service, etc. without misrepresentation, never defaming or attacking competitors" and, furthermore, in dealing with Customers to "strictly abide by antitrust laws and avoid participating in agreements (formal or implicit) with companies in the industry that may influence free competition, setting sales prices or production volumes, while agreeing on sales areas or customers to be served".
Therefore, voluntarily and proactively, the Group enriches its Regulatory System with an Antitrust Code of Conduct and a specific Antitrust Guideline to regulate the protection of competition and consumers and to define the rules of conduct that all members of corporate bodies, executives, employees, as well as all those who work to achieve the Group's purpose and objectives are required to observe in conducting business and managing relations with external stakeholders, promoting compliance and setting an example of their concrete application.
The Code of Conduct and the Antitrust Guidelines form the foundation of the Group's broader Competition and Consumer Protection Compliance Program, which has been defined based on the characteristics of Haier and the markets in which it operates, consistent with the Competition and Market Authority's "Antitrust Compliance Guidelines" and considering national and international best practices.

Antitrust Code of Conduct
Through the adoption and dissemination of the Antitrust Code of Conduct ("Code"), Haier Europe develops an appropriate Antitrust Compliance Program, which aims to ensure compliance with the principles and rules laid down by protect competition law, increasing the corporate culture and preventing the risk of possible conducts non-compliant with antitrust regulations.

Antitrust Guidelines
Haier Europe governs the rules of conduct that all directors, managers, employees, staff and auxiliary resources and collaborators (third parties appointed in accordance with existing company procedures) who act in the name and on behalf of Candy S.p.A. and the companies of the Group based and operating in Italy, must follow as to avoid any violations of European and national regulations protecting competition.
In this regard, Haier states that the assessment regarding the legality, from an antitrust point of view, of a given behavior requires, in most cases, a complex analysis of the factual circumstances, the applicable legislation, as well as its interpretation and actual application by the competent authorities, administrative and/or judicial.
Therefore, when there is a potential anticompetitive risk, Stakeholders are required to contact the Antitrust Compliance Officer through the following address:
The Antitrust Compliance Officer will provide the necessary assistance in assessing this risk, drawing on the support of external legal advisors when necessary.