ESG Business Code of Conduct

The Haier Group (hereinafter also the "Group") has embarked on a path of strengthening and enhancing its Integrated Control Framework, including Compliance and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk assessments as well as monitoring, testing and reporting of those compliance activities.

The adoption of a ESG Business Code of Conduct (hereinafter also referred to as the "Code of Conduct") is a further step along this path, as well as a testament to the Group's commitment to the concrete implementation of the principles of integrity, smartability and connectivity in supply chain, essential values on which the corporate identity is based.

The Code of Conduct states that Haier "has developed a path of integration of sustainability principles into its activities, to align itself with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda of the United Nations, and using the OECD Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct – which seeks to align with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights – the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the ILO Conventions and Recommendations referenced within the OECD Guidelines for MNEs, and the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy" and, furthermore, in dealing with Third-Parties, has "systematically stated principles and rules to which each supplier and, in general, business partners of the Haier Group, who it maintains commercial relations with, are required to comply".

ESG Business Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct, which has been defined based on the characteristics of Haier and the markets in which it operates, is consistently focused on "Sustainability Compliance Guidelines" and “National and international best practices”.



The Code works together in conjunction with Haier Group’s ESG Risk framework. Based on the severity and likelihood of an adverse impact or suspected noncompliance of it, Haier Europe maintains the right to ask for evidence of compliance with the Code and to conduct its due diligence procedure to assure compliance and work with the supplier on a remediation approach for compliance.

Therefore, when there is a potential misconduct risk, along the Supply Chain Lifecycle, Stakeholders are required to contact the CSR and Sustainability Manager and Legal and Compliance Team, before starting any business relationship with Third Parties.

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